Ravens & Crows

by John Morgan
Halloween Symbols



RAVENS & CROWS – Let’s face it, when literature refers to your kind as a “murder of crows” or as an “unkindness of ravens” you might have an image problem. It probably will not help your public relations experts conjure up a positive PR campaign if they keep finding you eating carrion, as well as each other; unless, of course, you are planning on filming: “Ravens & Crows – The original Zombie Apocalypse!”

On the plus side you are both: highly intelligent (especially given your limited bird brains), frequently engage in play, collaborate when needed, and you have good socializing skills (ravens, this is an area that needs work…the crows are kicking your tail feathers in this category). So what’s the problem? Oh yeah, you eat each other! It also does not help that you are always hanging out in the wrong places with the wrong crowds. Honestly, would it hurt you to stop being the first ones on the battlefield once in a while? And for heaven’s sakes, learn to say “no” when the witches and warlocks ask you to help them with a special project or potion.

Just look at yourselves, you are always dressed in black…liven things up a bit – take a risk – peacock it up a little. I mean really, what have you done in the last couple thousand years in the areas of personal development and growth? That’s right, I am talking to you ravens; the Celts linked you to war and death and you have been mired in it ever since. Crows, did I say something that amuses you? Wipe those smiles off your beaks, because the ancient Romans used you guys for divination practices, so neither of you are without a creepy flight path through history. And since we are talking about self-improvement, your “cawing” has got to go! Now we are even getting reports from the field that you have been mimicking human voices again. That has to stop immediately – it freaks everyone out!

Look we have all heard the phrase, “the only constant in life is change,” but frankly I am just not seeing it with either of you. Hey, if you are happy being Halloween icons that’s all well and good, then do not change a thing. I have said all I want to say to you two Corvids, except that if you happen to see any rats and bats on your way out, tell them I need to see them regarding similar concerns.

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